Sunday, July 26, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 66

I spent the greatest day with good friends, amazing horses and the sunshine peaking through some beautiful storm clouds. I got home wet from the rain and smelly from the work and with lots of photos to choose from.

I got home, stepped out of the the shower and....CRAP, I know better, I've been freckled and fair skinned my entire life!! I put sunscreen on every sunny day but today it was cloudy so I didn't, cloudy days are so deceiving.

But I'll tell you what, every second of mild discomfort from the sunburn is worth it because my heart is happy. 

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadows. It's what the sunflowers do." -Helen Keller


  1. Loves, loved, LOVED. seeing you today! You truly make my heart smile :)

  2. Ouch!! Hope you have some Aloe Vera on hand.

    1. I put lots of aloe on it, then the aloe started peeling in the morning, it was weird. A little sore but surprisingly not bad :)
