Monday, July 27, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 67 + Completed Summer 2015 Bucket List Item - Have a Picnic

**beep, beep* says my cell phone just before lunch..."You home? & have you eaten lunch yet? I have a massive bowl of Greek pasta salad that you need to have some of."...a text from my neighbour and good friend Faith, I'm in.

We spent a great day walking to the park, having a picnic, playing with Logan on the playground and stopping at Starbucks for a coffee on our walk home. I'm so grateful to have friends who like making last minute plans as much as me. A great day with a great friend Faith and my rambunctious nephew Logan, so fun.
"I like messy people who don't fit in a box or stay between the lines, but who's integrity is greater than any rule book and who's loyalty is stronger than blood." -Jim Wern

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