Friday, July 8, 2016


Whew, life too off like a shot gun in the last few months and something had to go, unfortunately my blog was the victim. I enjoy doing it so much, and I had so much positive feedback about how it was helping other people, that I just can't possibly let it fall to the way side. So I'm back :)

Since I last posted life has changed so much. I completed my hoof trimming course and I am now a Certified Natural Hoof Trimmer. I have started my business, As Nature Intended Hoof Care (check me out on Facebook), and I am living the dream. It has been one of the hardest things I've done, challenging my mind and my body on a daily basis, but I'm loving it. There is so much to learn about running a business, it's been a huge learning curve, but I'm getting there. My clients have been so patient as I build the strength to trim quicker and each day I can feel myself getting strong. Plus, I get to hang out with horses, and get paid for it :)

My main Bucket List is a life long journey, one that I will continue to post about as I accomplish my items. I have decided to take my Summer Bucket List from last year and try to complete it this year. And I am going to restart my "Take a Photo Everyday for Year" Bucket List Item, because unfortunately I had to stop right before I finished it, it just may not happen right away. 

Here's a picture a client took of her horse, who I knew from last summer, while we were getting reacquainted. 

"Don't wait until you reach your goal to be proud of yourself.
Be proud of every step you take." -Karen Salmansohn

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 320

The little boy who wears these shoes makes my heart smile. He makes me laugh, he is so smart and he is always getting into something. Today he was dumping water from his watering can onto the dirt and then stomping in the mud puddles. Love him so much!

"Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age, dreams are forever." -Walt Disney

A Year in Photo - Day 319

Spring has sprung and my favourite flowers are in bloom, bleeding hearts. 

Live in each season as it passes;
breath the air,
drink the drink, 
taste the fruit,
and resign yourself
to the influence of the earth.
-Henry David Thoreau

A Year in Photo - Day 318

Steve and I spent the day picking up flowers, plants and bushes that were graciously given to us. Big kudos to Steve who did most of the work as I'm trying to be kind to my bummed shoulder.

"Don't marry a man unless you would be proud to have a son exactly like him." -Unknown

Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 317

Spent a beautiful morning at the dog park today. While most of the dogs were playing hard, Sig preferred some alone time, followed by a good roll in the dirt. 

I LOVE the Okanagan...shorts and a tank top in the morning at the beginning of April is awesome!!

*Sidenote* I have been nominated to post a nature picture, daily, for 7 days. The first photo is my first photo.

"You should sit in nature for at least 30 minutes a day...
Unless you are busy, then you should sit for an hour."
-Based on an old Zen Saying

A Year in Photo - Day 316

I've had a nagging shoulder but kept thinking it would just get better if I was careful, a few months later and no such luck. I finally went to my chiropractor and he says I have tweaked my rotator cuff and my ac joint. 

My hoof trimming course starts on the 18th so I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that if I follow through with my exercises it will get better.

"The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter,
 and the spirit heals with joy." -Proverb

A Year in Photo - Day 315

Check out my new machine (gifted from my Mom...who will take it back if hers breaks, haha!) and my newly organized sewing room. Just in time for another project :)

"It is not happy people who are grateful, it is grateful people who are happy." -Unknown