Monday, July 13, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 53

All smiles :) My sister had a gruelling hip surgery today (scheduled after a hip injury over a year ago) and for the countless times she has been there for me, I'm so glad I can be there for her. 

We stayed over in Kamloops last night because her surgery was early and we were all exhausted, in our pyjamas before 9 pm. Well then Kim and I got a bad case of the giggles right before bed, the more Mom, who was in bed with her earplugs in trying to sleep, told us to go to bed, the funnier we thought we were, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, it felt so good.

After a long but successful surgery and a sleepy drive back to Kelowna, Kim is home sweet home, cuddling with Arnie. Love you sistah! <3

"Sister to sister we will always be, a couple of nuts off the family tree." -Unknown

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