Thursday, July 2, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 42

So the good ol' full moon arrived right on schedule, and with it brought my anxiety with a vengeance. By dinner time I was crawling out of my skin, so I decided to go work with the mini horses as I usually leave feeling much better. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to bring my energy down, they could sense my anxiety and pretty much wanted nothing to do with me. So I did the next best thing, hard labour. I raked their entire pen (see A Year In Photo - Day's 33 & 39 for a comparison), filling one wheelbarrow and making 3 other large piles (I wasn't sure where they dumped their manure). The best part is the sprinklers went on part way through so I kept getting a nice cool spray. The minis seemed happy with my work, checking the piles and following me around as I raked. By the time I left I was filthy but happy, and way less anxious. Success!!

"Manure helps a garden grow. Think of yourself as a garden, ever changing. All the shit in your life serves your growth, and helps transform you into something strong, and resilient, and beautiful." -Scott Stabile

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