Saturday, July 18, 2015

Milk a Cow - Completed Bucket List Items

For those of you who have read my main Bucket List, you know one of the items on it is to milk a cow. Now this proved to be a bit of a challenge because 1) It's not like farms are advertising "hey, come milk my cow" and 2) Most milking is done by machines now. After some research I contacted the BC Dairy Association and to my delight, I received an email back from Nadia, who invited me to Breakfast on the Farm at Riverbreeze Farms. At the very least I would get to learn more about the dairy industry and the best case scenario is I would be introduced to a dairy farmer who may be able to help me with my bucket list item.

When we arrived I was introduced to Trevor, who made me a deal, he would do his best to get me a cow to milk (WHAT?! Today?!?) if I would do an on camera interview, DEAL! We met back in a half an hour, I did my interview and then I was introduced to Kelsey and MacKenzie, who, with the help of Peaches, were running the Mobile Dairy Classroom, doing a demonstration about dairy cows, what they eat, their stomachs, milking, and so much more. 

Now spectators don't normally get the opportunity to hand milk the cow but they made an exception and I was thrilled. To some, like my Dad, it sounds funny that this would be a bucket list item but it's something I've always wanted to do. I didn't milk much because they had another presentation and wanted the cow, Peaches, to have enough, but I did get some :) A HUGE thank you to the BC Dairy Association, Nadia, Trevor, Kelsey, MacKenzie and their whole team for making this possible, you made my day!

Not only was my bucket list item checked off, but the event itself was amazing. We learned so much about dairy cows, robot milking (yes!), hauling standards, dairy standards and so much more. 

To top the day off we stopped at Rogers, not the phone company, and took advantage of some great deals on oats. 

Milking Peaches!!!
After milking Peaches, I went over to take a photo, I called her, she looked right at me, and she walked right up to the camera like "oh you want a photo, here let me get closer."
Meeting the heifers, based on the looks they gave me I don't think they wanted to be friends.
Spending some time in the barn, which has high ceilings to keep the cows cool.

"Sometimes I have to remind myself that I don't have to do what everyone else is doing." -Unknown