Saturday, June 27, 2015

Wine & Ice Cream - Summer 2015 Bucket List

Despite not drinking wine, my wonderful husband looked at my Summer 2015 Bucket List and suggested we go do some wine tasting, i.e. he drive and I taste. I couldn't argue with that suggestion. So we drove to Naramata, stopping for lunch at Bliss Bakery Bistro in Peachland (see A Year in Photo - Day 37) and stopped at 3 wineries. Each of them was great and I returned home with 5 bottles of wine. I have to say though, the last winery we went to made my heart sing. It's called Therapy and when we got there they said "Welcome to Therapy." Yup, now we're talking, this is my kind of therapy :)

I couldn't go home without getting my husband his favourite treat, ice cream, and it worked out perfectly because Tickleberries has just opened a location on Skaha Beach. Thankfully we ran into a friend who let us know that a single cone is actually THREE SCOOPS of ice cream. 30+ degrees outside? Okay, twist my rubber arm.

A great day with Steve and two Summer 2015 Bucket List items completed!

"Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are." -Mandy Hale

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