Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer 2015 Bucket List

With just over two months to go, more depending on the weather in September, I may have bitten off more than I can chew, but I'm up for the challenge. Making the decision to leave my job was hard, really hard, especially because I know that idle hands are not good for me and my wellness. So in addition to my "main" bucket list, I've made a Summer 2015 Bucket List, filled with things I like to do, did as I kid, want to do or scare the heck out of me. And since I also tend to isolate, if you see something on the list that tickles your fancy, let me know, partners in crime are welcome. 

"I can't possibly heal if I don't take care of myself..." -BandBackTogether.com 


  1. Get on the cherry picking - they should be in season now. Good luck! I'm looking forward to seeing which ones get crossed off. Is Beer Tasting and Hike to a waterfall two items or one? Could be a fun hike. - La Verne

  2. Awesome list!! You are going to have one crazy, busy summer :)

  3. Haha, La Verne you may be on to something!!
