Friday, June 26, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 36

You know how some things just aren’t meant to be? Well that was definitely the case with our dinner tonight, homemade hamburgers and homemade fries (with our Actifry). Steve first suggested we have hamburgers on Wednesday night, so I went out Wednesday to get 3 things, hamburger buns, mustard and potatoes. I went to Cobs for buns and Quality Greens for the other 2 items. I came home with 2 scones (a snack from Cobs) and potatoes. Yes, I went into the store and didn't come out with the hamburger buns I went in for. Ok, so we will try for Thursday.

Success, Steve picked up mustard and I got the hamburger buns. But when Steve came home from work at 5pm, I realized I hadn’t taken the hamburger out, fail. Third time’s the charm, right?

Steve was in charge of cooking the burgers on the BBQ tonight, he stepped away for a couple of minutes and…..grease fire, only 2 hamburgers survived; enough for tonight but no leftovers for tomorrow. Then as I was taking my hamburger bun out of the oven I dropped it on the element and….flames. I got it in time but, as good as it was, I don’t think we were meant to have hamburgers and fries this week.

"My cooking is so awesome...even the smoke alarm cheers me on." -Unknown

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