Sunday, September 27, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 128

Not a lot of people are as lucky as I am, and can say that their sister is truly one of their best friends. We've been through so much together and she is always by my side. She is one of the most thoughtful, kind and funny people I know. She's my sounding board and I can count on her honest opinion, even when it's sometimes hard to hear. Oh and did I mention she's a babe?

Yesterday was her birthday, 27 years young, and I am SO proud of the woman she has become. Here's to you sistah, glad you were drinking out of the birthday glass last night and not me, happy birthday!

P.S.  You know that moment when you see two people and you can just tell that they are meant to be friends forever? Well that's the case with her friend Amber. Welcome to the fam lady!

When she saw her birthday cake with the candles lit....
"Jesus Christ, is that how old I am?!?!" -Kim

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