Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 126

Today I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad...morning. For anyone who has read this children's book, written by Judith Viorst, I now understand why Alexander was so upset.

First, I turned on the news only to immediately learn the Amazing Race Canada's winners...not even 12 hours after the show aired. In a country where nearly everyone has a PVR, couldn't they at least waited 24 hours hours?!?! I was in bed when it recorded last night! And then when I went to watch it, it didn't record anyway! GRRRR.

I went to make my breakfast, only to find the bowl I mix my breakfast concoction in was dirty, so I washed it. I reached for my chia seeds, but they were gone. As I was putting the container my coffee grinds into back, I dropped it and coffee grounds went everywhere. I went into the laundry room to get the hand held vacuum but my tall husband, which normally comes in very handy, had put it at the back of the cupboard so I couldn't reach and I had to go get some tongs. I went to finally sit down and as I was walking to the living room, coffee in hand, I spilled it and had to go back to the kitchen for a cloth.

I had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad...morning.

Off to the farm I went, thinking it was going to be a bad day, but after 2 hours of scooping poop, I was happy as a clam. Amazing what the outdoors, some exercise and interacting with animals can do for a gal.

"I'm UP! If you're expecting bright-eyed & bushy tailed,
go catch a freakin' squirrel." -Unknown

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