Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 83

I arrived to work with Miss Chivers today, intending on a lighter day as I, unfortunately, didn't have much time. Her paddock is on a steep hill, the hay is placed at the top and the water at bottom to encourage movement. When I arrived today she was at the top, but I figured no big deal, normally I can call her as I walk up to her paddock and she comes down, I put her halter on and off we go. Not today...

I called her and called her, nothing, so I went into the paddock thinking she would come down when she saw me, negative. So I chased her up and down the steep hill, every time I would get close to her or think I had her moving in the right direction, she would scoot back up to the top, forcing me to do the same. I can't tell you how many times I climbed the hill...  Finally she surrendered and we walked out like nothing had happened, or so she thought. Unbeknownst to her, her light day had turned into a work day, don't make me chase you, especially when you know better. So, we did ground work, then I worked her in the round pen and we finished with obstacles.

Based on this photo you can see how tired I was and how unimpressed she was, hopefully she learned something today, I'm in charge.

With that said, I've finally worked up the courage to share what I've known in my gut all along, I'm meant to work with horses, as a career. I've always been fascinated by their feet, they are much more intricate than I initially realized. Every time I hear that a farrier is coming out to trim I do my best to get there to pick their brain. But I've always talked myself out of doing anything with horses, the negative voice in my head saying I'm too heavy or what about your 7 years of university or I don't have enough experience or I won't be taken seriously because I'm relatively new to the horse world. Well, I told that voice to shut up....

I have decided I want to be a Barefoot Farrier (trimming hooves). I'm going to shadow some local farriers, do some studying and eventually take a certification course which will give me the knowledge and skills to trim, after that it will be a matter of building the muscles to trim in a timely manner. My family and friends have been incredibly supportive, and although I am afraid to "fail" I feel completely at peace with my decision.

"The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling." -Fabienne Fredrickson

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