Sunday, August 9, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 80 + Summer 2015 Bucket List Blitz

Wow, what a day, with the help of my lovely husband, I got so many bucket list items done. We started the day with mini-golf at 19 Greens; we are so lucky to live in the Okanagan, the views were incredible. Although Steve beat me by 4 strokes, I had the high score of 8, yes I know that's not the goal, and the low score of a HOLE IN ONE! 

From there we headed to Sun City Cherries to cool off, cherry gelato. OMG, words cannot describe it, you must experience it for yourself.

When we got home I cleaned up my "candle mess." I've been making candles over the past few days but it was taking over the kitchen. I'm enjoying it and I'm pleased with the result, but it is a very time consuming process, at least the way I'm doing it. I have SO much wax left so I need to find a better way to melt it down, in the meantime I have some great candles. 

We topped off the night by throwing some peaches on the BBQ while we cooked dinner; I've always wanted to do this but I've just never got around to it. Well, let me tell you, heaven! Topped with some greek yogurt, cinnamon and roasted pecans...mmmm :)

"Look closely at the present you are constructing. It should look like the future you are dreaming." - Alice Walker

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