Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 156

Yes, I made a stop and went into "public" after leaving the farm today. Unlike some places, I don't have to dress up to go to the farm. My guidelines are quite simple:

  1. Layer, layer, layer. Matching layers is not important, as you can see here.
  2. Look for clothing that doesn't attract hair or hay. Well this is more of a goal for me, I'm not very good at it.
  3. Clothing on the laundry room floor is fair game, except underwear, that has to be clean.
  4. Black socks, again, this is more of a goal. I wear black socks until they are all dirty and then I usually end up wearing white socks.
  5. Pants or a top with a pocket is ideal for a hoof pick or a phone, if not, find just a place to put it.
  6. And most importantly, GOOD SHOES OR BOOTS!!
In short, I'm not going out to impress the horses or to make a fashion statement, I'm going to work :)

"People are going to judge you anyway, so forget everyone and be yourself." -Unknown

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