Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 143

Happy Thanksgiving! I have so much to be thankful for, I'm not even sure where to start. My amazingly supportive friends and family, my improving health, the opportunity to follow a dream a didn't know I had, my loving husband....I could go on and on, I am so lucky!

I spent the morning in the beautiful sunshine, at my paradise, with my good friend Mandy and her boy Gally. I took a "riding" lesson this week, so far we are just working on ground work and we will work up to riding. Mandy and I have been trying for months to get Gally to step up on the box, but we were doing it all wrong. With some guidance from our instructor and a few small changes, Gally stepped up on the box without assistance today. And not only that, he stood there ground tied (basically loose, the lead rope is just laying on the ground), while I walked away and Mandy took photos. A big success for us.

Now we're off for turkey dinner with the family, I couldn't imagine a more perfect day!

"Be kind, be thoughtful, be genuine, but most of all, be thankful." -Unknown

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