Saturday, October 3, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 135

You may be wondering, why the sad face, you have a Starbucks in your hand? Well Steven took pity on me and said I could have one after I sliced my finger on an apple peeler, on the first apple, while trying to make applesauce. I spent the next 3 hours in the walk-in clinic, 1/2 of the time with a woman who was talking NON-STOP, you know the one, every doctor's office has one. At one point she was reading the definitions out of the back of her book. Saying each word, then spelling it, then reading the definitions...LOUDLY. I actually moved to the other side of the clinic because, of course, she sat down right next to me, I could still hear her.

Good news, I didn't need stitches. Bad news, I have to bandage it and wear a surgical glove under a regular glove, when I'm at the farm, until it heals.

So, I was feeling a bit sorry for myself but damn did that PSL frappuccino hit the spot!

"Sometimes you just need the cup with the little green straw." -Unknown

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