Saturday, February 27, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 277

Some things just don't seem fair; the very meds that have made me well are making me unwell. I've finally got to the point where I am trying to decrease one of my anxiety medications, which is awesome. Unfortunately, in doing so, despite following the doctors orders and doing a very slow decrease, I'm met with withdrawal symptoms. Nausea, achy muscles, poor concentration, cement limbs, headache, UGH! 

The plus side? I'm not feeling anxious with the decrease so I know I am doing the right thing, I just have to remain headstrong and power through the physical symptoms. 

Distraction was my goal today and I finished my day with some fresh air and some time working with Gally. He begrudgingly allowed me to braid his tail and it's clear my tail braiding skills need some work, but it was fun and it provided some relief.

"You either get bitter or you get better. It's that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better person, or you allow it to tear you down.
The choice does not belong to fate, it belongs to you." -Josh Shipp

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