Monday, February 15, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 265

Ugh, so I picked up my car yesterday after hours, only to find out it was doing the same thing, minus clunking through the gears, which they fixed, to the tune of $155. I brought Rhonda back in and I just got off the phone with engine mounts for sure need to be replaced, $600, but they won't know if there is a problem with my transmission, or anything else (it's hesitant when I drive) until they can get everything to stop rattling around and back in the right spot. Oh and that doesn't include the $150 to replace the blower for my heating/cooling system when the part they ordered the first time Rhonda was in the hospital comes in.
So I'm eating cake!
P.S. 100 days of photos to go!

Chocolate comes from cocoa,
which is a tree.
That makes it a plant.
Chocolate is salad. 

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