Sunday, November 22, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 184

Yesterday I went to watch Kristi trim a horse. Her feet looked good from the top but she has had 3 abscesses in the same foot, which would be like getting 3 cavities, back to back, in the same tooth. As Kristi started to trim that hoof she exposed an abscess that went further up than any I have seen. Turns out she had a small rock embedded way up in her hoof. 

It's impossible to know which came first, the abscess or the rock, but it was very interesting to watch Kristi tackle the issue. It looks pretty severe but the aggressive trimming did not/will not hurt the horse. To prevent another abscess from forming, all of the old abscess needed to be exposed or it could grow over and form another abscess. 

"Do it for the people who want to see you fail." -Unknown

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