Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Ride Don't Hide 2015 - A Bucket List Item in Progress

As most of you know I have been battling mental illness for many years, in fact, one of my bucket list items is to overcome my depression and anxiety. So for the second year I am participating in a cause that is important to me, the Canadian Mental Health Association's Ride Don't Hide 2015. For more information on my story and the ride itself, visit

I bought this bike at the beginning of the year and the difference it has made is amazing. #cyclepathkelowna
With Ride Don't Hide just 11 days away, the push is on and I need your help. I've set a goal of $1000 and I am so happy to say I have raised $795. But, I would REALLY like to hit my goal. 

As you know, I've worked in the mental health field in Kelowna, I know the great programs that exist and depend completely on funding. Unfortunately, having volunteering in Kelowna for many years, I also see the people who are falling through the crack, who need more support.  

Going back to work this week was yet another reminder of how fortunate I am to have had/have the support from family and friend while I battle my mental illness. Sadly, many others don't have that support and depend on community services.

So if you can help, at all, every little bit helps, $5, $10, whatever you can afford. And if you aren't able to, I completely understand, I will carry your well wishes with  me while I ride. 

PLEASE, take a moment to share this post, and my page, on your Facebook (or any other social media you use). We really have an opportunity to make a big difference! <3 

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