Monday, June 29, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 39 + Completed Summer 2015 Bucket List

One of the biggest pieces of my journey toward wellness is being around horses and, due to some unforeseen circumstances, I spent the winter/spring away from them and it had a big impact. Horses are such amazing creatures and in order to build a relationship with them I have to be really aware of my anxiety and keep energy calm, which can be so challenging but is such an important tool for me to learn. I can arrive feeling like I'm about to hit the roof, like today, and leave feeling accomplished, calm and happy. This photo is at the end of my time with them today, can you tell? Being outside, getting exercise and being mindful of my anxiety makes me feel on top of the world. The feeling of success and accomplishment when you reach an understanding with a horse is so healing!

This is also a Summer 2015 Bucket List item, volunteer. The owners of these horses have a very busy schedule and were looking for someone to spend some time with their horses, a dream come true for me and they are grateful for the help. 

"We will never have to tell our horse that we are sad, happy, confident, angry or relaxed. He already knows - long before we do." -Marjike de Jong


  1. I love this! I haven't been around horses much, but learning to ride one is on my bucket list, I will have to make the commitment one day and sign up for lessons. Roxanne

  2. Thanks! I don't ride either, yet, maybe one day but for now just being around them and working with him is just like therapy! ❤️
