Monday, June 15, 2015

Completed - Write a Letter to Myself & Open it in 10 Years

This was a bit challenging for me because I wasn't sure what to write or even how to start. "Dear Self"?, nah, that sounds funny to me. Or "when I grow up I want to be...?", nope, I don't like that either. So instead I searched the internet for some prompt questions and started answering those, which progressed into a bit of a synopsis about where I am and where I want to be in 10 years. I'm pleased to have done it and look forward to being able to look at it in the future. What this letter was NOT is something that I will look at in 10 years and grade myself on how well I did. It's simply a snapshot in time, where I am in the various aspects of my life, what I'm struggling with, who's in my life and what some of my goals are. 

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