Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 301

He may not be a puppy any more, but from the moment we met Sig we knew he was ours. What I don't think either of us realized is just how much he would change our lives, for the better. He makes us laugh, keeps us company and knows exactly when we need some extra love. Happy National Puppy Day ©©©

Although we are celebrating him today, he was feeling rather tired and
couldn't smile for his picture :) 

My dog taught me everything I need to know. It's okay sometimes to just eat and sleep. When you fall down get back up, shake it off, forget about it, and go on. Be very brave no matter your size. Make your own fun. Unleash your talents. Learn new tricks no matter your age. Make new friends. Sniff out opportunities. Chase after your dreams. When loved ones come home always run to greet them. At the end of the day it is best to snuggle no matter what has happened. Every day is a brand new day just be happy!

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