Tuesday, March 22, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 300

Day 300, I had hopes of posting about how much I have learned from this blog journey and how much things have changed, but sadly something tragic has happened instead.

My heart breaks for everyone in Belgium. For those of you who don't know, I went on exchange to Belgium for a year when I was 18 and I left a piece of my heart there when I left. I have a whole other family and many friends, all of whom I remain in contact with and who I am so grateful to say are safe. 

I had my nails painted in honour of all of the Belgian people, representing the Belgian flag, sadly the yellow wouldn't cure but for a few hours I wore the Belgian flag on my nails. Although my nails don't reflect the flag any more, my heart and thoughts are with them. 

Nous sommes éloignés mais je pense souvent à vous et vous auriez toujours un bout de mon cœur. Je vous envoie plein de bisous © 

"Une injustice commise quelque part est une menace pour
la justice dans le monde entier." -Martin Luther King 

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