Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 215

I took Revere out to do some groundwork today and, well, we had an interesting start. The shortened version is his back leg can kick out really quickly, and quite far, when on a short lead line; luckily my head also had some quick reflexes today so no harm, no foul. In hindsight, I realized that I confused him, my fault.

We moved into the round pen to work out the kinks, and add some distance between my head and his hooves, and we did much better in there. We are still figuring each other out but I think by the end we were friends on again. Plus, I'm not above bribery....I think that helped too :)

"If your horse says 'no', you either asked the wrong
question, or asked the question wrong." -Pat Parelli

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