Friday, December 18, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 208

I few years ago I was involved in a local horse rescue. During my time volunteering at the rescue there was a horse there named Misty, who had endured horrible abuse and as a result, was VERY standoffish. She picked the people and I was not one of them, she would not let me near her; I couldn't get close to her no matter how hard I tried and how slowly I went.

A few days ago (when this photo was taken) I tagged along with Kristi to watch her trim. Little did I know that Kristi's good friend had adopted Misty, I was THRILLED to see her. And even happier to see how well she is doing. She is in an amazing forever home, with an owner her understands her limitations and is patient with her, but has boundaries. 

When Misty came out to get trimmed she not only let me approach her but she let me touch her head and face; I stood right beside her while she was being trimmed and even got a few selfies. Her eyes have changed; the fear and anger that was once there has now been replace with kindness and a calmness. Seeing a horse change so much with the right environment and care was so amazing, and boy does Misty deserve it!

"A horse's eyes have the power to speak a great language." -Unknown

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