Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 214

For the first time in 3 years I don't have this sense of dread about Christmas. We had/have a lots of things planned including skating at the outdoor rink (well I would be watching my niece), the Caravan Farm Theatre, an elephant gift exchange...and so much more. 

And then BANG, sick, and I'm sidelined. Hrmph! So instead of partaking in the activities, I'm at home trying not to feel sorry for myself (I'm not doing a good job) while my family is celebrating. 

I'm trying to remember that it could be so much worse, I could be mentally unwell like I have been the past 3 years. SO, early to bed for me and I am determined to wake up feeling better so I can join in on the fun :)

"Rule your mind or it will rule you." -Buddha

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