Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 193

After a tough day, what do you do? Spend the day at the farm learning how to humanely kill turkeys. The turkeys in this photo are still alive and went totally calm when held upside-down. When I first started spending time on the farm I didn't know if I would be okay with this but I truly am.

These animals have had a great life and are killed in the most humane was possible. When I told my Mom about it she was surprised I would be able to deal with it but for me, I see them as a food source and I know that everything is done to ensure the process is as painless and stress free as possible.

This photo makes me look like a madwoman, which, maybe I am, haha. But after a couple of photos I got goofy. AND, I've always had a fear of catching/holding chickens and turkeys. I can walk around them no problem but they make so much noise and flap their wings when they are picked up and it startles me. So holding this turkey, I didn't catch it, was a bit of a win for me.

Big thanks to Kristi for teaching me so much and being so patient with my countless questions!

"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear,
but the triumph over it." -Nelson Mandela

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