Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 118

With all the recent and ongoing tragedies flooding our news feeds, my friend Kerri challenged everyone to "go out and make some good news today. Help someone, listen to someone's story, give your time to a cause, smile at someone, buy a meal for someone...they may not be media worthy but small acts of kindness are something everyone can do." 

Challenge accepted and, as you may expect, I extended the challenge to my family and friends. So today my sister and I surprised some of our favourite people, the staff at Tail Blazers Kelowna​, with some goodies. Roni thought the timbits looked especially delicious. 

With all the heartache, suffering and pain going on in our world right now, we were happy to be able to #sharethelove.

Friends, family, followers, what have you done to #sharethelove? <3

"When I use my life in any way that makes another person's life better,
I feel most alive." -Liz Murphy

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