Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 103

Now I know this may come as a surprise to you all, but my husband Steve isn't perfect. Shocker, I know! I'm doing a weight loss program through my doctor and I have 2 books that are always on the counter because I'm always recording in one and referencing in the other. For whatever reason, when Steve comes home he always puts his stuff on top of them. His work papers, his watch, his cell phone and/or his wallet are always on top of at least one of my books. Despite repeatedly asking him not to, because they get buried and I can't find them, it keeps happening. 

Now I know he isn't consciously doing it but the message just isn't getting through. So when I went to find my book today, low and behold it was under his stuff, again. Time to make a point.....  

Under this heap of my things are his work papers, his cell phone, his watch and his wallet. I was in another room when I heard him giggle, I think I made my point and even if I didn't, we had a good laugh.

"Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul." -Thomas Mann

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