Wednesday, August 5, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 76

Maybe I’m making an assumption here, based on my own good fortune, but you know that friend that just gets you? The one who you don’t even stop for a second to think, “my house is a mess, I don’t have any makeup on and I’m in my pajamas” when they call to say they are coming over? I’m lucky enough to have a few people like this in my life like this, but none like my very best friend Jules. Unfortunately, she lives on the other side of the country (BOOOOOOOO!!!!), but when we do get together it’s like nothing has changed.

We met in my first year of university in a history class, over 10 years ago, when we were paired together to do a group paper. The rest is history…pun intended. We partied our butts off, met our husbands around the same time, were in each other’s weddings and so much more. She gets me, especially my mental health. When she calls and I don’t answer, she knows I just don’t feel like talking about it’s not personal. Sometimes we’ll go weeks, or more, without talking. She’ll check on me through my sister or through Steve, but she just gets that my not talking has nothing to do with our friendship or how much she means to me. And that means a lot.

Why do I tell you all this? BECAUSE SHE IS IN TOWN!!!! It’s been about a year since I’ve seen her and let me tell you it has been too long. We had a blast today! She saw my family, wehad our traditional lunch at Chutney and we got a Starbucks, an addiction she now blames on me, probably justifiably so. I was able to show her all the work I have been doing with horses, and all that I’ve learned, and she met a few of my good new friends. Friends like this are once in a lifetime, and I’m so glad I have mine <3 

"The best kind of people are the ones that come into your life, and make you see the sun where you once saw clouds. The people that believe in you so much, you start to believe in you too. The people that love you, simply for being you.
The once in a lifetime kind of people." -Unknown