Monday, August 3, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 74 + Completed Bucket List Item

We spent a great afternoon and evening with Steve's brother Rob, his wife Amber and our beautiful niece who are here on vacation. As we were sitting on the patio I notice all the clover in the grass, so after playing a game, I started my search. A few minutes later everyone else joined me and started casually looking. Minutes later Rob found a four leaf clover, wahoo!!!! I was very excited and quite content to take this "find" as a check on my list. But then shortly thereafter Amber found one too....okay now I knew it was definitely possible and I wanted to find my own, so I settled in and I can't believe in, about 10 minutes later I found one. 

They say four leaf clovers are lucky, well we feel lucky to have been able to spend the day time with them <3
"Never give up on something you really want. It's difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret." -Unknown

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