Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A Year in Photo - Days 224-227

Sooooo.....I got a little behind with posting the photos daily photos (I have been taking them daily), so I'm going to do one big catch up post instead of individual posts.

Day 224
I had such a fun day at Mary's clinic, playing in the snow with Tulsa. This was the first time Tulsa and I worked together and she has taught me so much already.

Day 225

Sig really likes popcorn, A LOT!

Day 226

A BEAUTIFUL evening at the farm during the snowstorm. It was snowing so hard and was so peaceful; I am so lucky to be able to go there.

Day 227

My co-pilot :) Although he looks really sad he was actually really happy because we had just left the vet (he's fine).


"We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone. We take photos to recall  - with greater vibrancy - those experiences that have shaped and made us. We take photos to bridge distance and shorten time, to lend legacy to the little things and life to the forgotten." -Katie Thurmes

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