Monday, January 18, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 240

Today's adventure can't be explained with just one photo. I was at the farm and I went in to fill the rooster and turkey feed. I closed the door behind me, like I have done many times, so they wouldn't get out and the chickens wouldn't get in. I dumped the feed in and went to leave, but the door wouldn't open, it was....locked?!?

After several attempts I messaged Kristi but she was downtown at an appointment. She said I couldn't lock myself in and that it must just be stuck, but try as I might, I couldn't get the door to open. So I called Steve, who was about to go for lunch, to come to my rescue (his poor co-worker got to hear the full extent of the rooster calls while we were on the phone).

While I was waiting for Steve to arrive, I spent my time fending off this one little rooster. The smallest one of course, a bad case of Little Man Syndrome, kept coming at me trying cock fight. Thankfully I had the empty grain bag for protection; no joke, he may have been little but his spurs are huge! I took a photo of him and told Kristi he is the first one that needs to go, not that I have any say in that but I told him too :) Rocky even tried to come to rescue me but he too was unsuccessful. 

Finally, after about half hour or so of being in the pen, Steve arrived and freed me. I had him take a photo of the door before he opened it and sure enough, I managed to lock the door just by closing it.

They say it's Blue Monday today but I got one heck of a laugh! Only I could lock myself in a turkey/rooster pen, when nobody was on the property, and spend my time inside fending off a rooster with an empty grain bag!

Minding my own business, just feeding the roosters and turkeys. 
Double, triple, quadruple checking...yep, it's locked.
Locked in on the barn side.
Locked in on the farm side.
Little Man Syndrome!
He's here! Rocky showing Steve the way to the prisoner. 
Yep, I actually managed to lock this by just closing the door from the inside. 
Now that's talent!
"Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life but will surely 
add life to your years." -Anonymous

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