Thursday, April 7, 2016

A Year in Photo - Day 313

I've succeeded in decreasing my anxiety medication again. From 4 mg at the highest to 2.25 mg now. Unfortunately I'm experiencing some withdrawal symptoms, this time more mental than physical; I can't seem to find basic words, I forget what I'm doing and I'm forgetting names. Things are on the tip of my tongue but I can't seem to spit it out. While I know this is temporary, it can be infuriating. But in the end I am SO proud of myself so I'm trying to just go with it.

"Don't try to conquer this week. Flow with it instead. Don't try to control it, rather give it your hand. Treat it like a friend and not something out to hurt you. Soften a little more, leave the armour off for as long as you can." -S.C. Lourie

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