Friday, July 17, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 57

As I kid I LOVED stickers; I collected stickers and I had a book that was filled with all different kinds and I would trade them with friends and my sister. I also learned awhile ago that I am a very visual person, so I decided to put the two together because, after all, you're never too old for stickers.

This is my exercise calendar. Each exercise has a correlating sticker ex. stars for bike riding, hearts for working with the horses etc. I keep my calendar on my fridge and being able to see all my stickers, or conversely, all the empty boxes, has been a good motivator. Just like when I was a kid, I get so excited when I get to put a sticker on my calendar, or sometimes two!! 

"Giving up on your goal because of one setback is like slashing your other three tires because you got a flat." -Unknown

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