Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Year in Photo - Day 5

Ten years ago if you would have told me that I would be an avid quilter I probably would have laughed. My Mom is a quilter and while I appreciated the art, I never had any interest in doing it myself. But when I found myself off work due to my depression and anxiety, I needed to find something that would keep my mind and hands busy without causing stress. To my surprise, I found solace in quilting and now I'm hooked. 

My latest project, an I-Spy quilt. I have hundreds more hexagons, these are just a few; I will join them all once I have finished sewing them. I have swapped fabric with people form across Canada and the US, raided my Mom's stash and had many donated. It has been a lot of work but one of my favourite quilts yet.

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